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Thursday, January 31, 2008


This is a report for the course Eco304-Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory II. I have always liked macroeconomics more than micro(mainly because micro is more mathematical and I suck at anything mathematical). So here is the report that I did for this course. The report studies the impact of the floating exchange rate on the economy of Bangladesh.

Download Section (Click report title to download file)


1. Effect of the floating exchange rate on the economy of Bangladesh [Credits-Asif, Saif]

Description: A very interesting report for those who would like to study the impact of a transition from a Fixed Exchange Rate to a completely Floating one. This is act as an extremely good case study.


Course Description

Eco304 (Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory-II)-This course covers topics in macro theory. Topics include neo-classical models, rational expectations models of macro economic analysis including wage theories, basic growth theory, introduction to computable general equilibrium and other topics.

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