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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

English Essay Collection

Back in my O level days my English teacher at school made us write quite a number of essays. There are about 20 essays in total here all having a word limit of around 300-350 if i am not mistaken.

Download Link [Credits:Asif]

I am posting two paragraphs from the essay titled 'The complaining party is civilisation'.

"After the horror and mass death in New York, Washington, Afghanistan and Palestine we would say that the Christians or the Muslims have suffered. However, that is fallacious because the complaining party is not nationality or religion or ethnicity but it is civilization everywhere.

After the attacks on the twin towers the primary emotions have been grief, outrage, and deep sadness. As a UN spokesperson so emotionally said, ‘ We come from all; over the world, but today we are all New Yorkers and Washingtonians.’ Today we are all suffering fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, fellow citizens, trying to summon a hope we pray can stern the mounting despair. Like John Donne has said ‘Any man’s death diminishes me’. Our chief identity is not religion or culture but that we are all humans."

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